Origami News &
Views May
Origami and the Benefits Being Late for a Haircut
by Barbara Boxster
A funny thing happened to me at the hair salon several weeks ago.
Being late for my appointment set a series of events in motion that
still have my head spinning.
It was only because I was late that I met the woman who had her
appointment after mine.
"Judy" turned out to be from Japan, which, of course, caused the
conversation to move to origami.
Judy, in turn, introduced me to her friend Hisako, who gave me the flower
that I featured at a recent workshop. Hisako was
excited to introduce me, in turn, to her neighbor Jerry.
Jerry is 86 and makes the most wonderful origami boxes and rings.
All these meetings are stories in themselves, but the chain is not yet

Box design by Arnold Tubis
Folded by Barbara Boxster
Jerry inspired me to
shop for some new books on modular origami and origami boxes, which led
me to purchase Fun with
Folded Fabric Boxes by
Crystal Mills and Arnold Tubis.
I read the "About the Authors" section with great interest. The
authors met at an origami convention. Besides being origami
Tubis is a physicist and Ms. Mills is a retired high school mathematics
But what really grabbed my attention was the statement that Dr. Tubis
was "working on a pilot origami-mathematics project" in California.
Using origami to enhance children's interest and skill in math and
science is an area I'm interested in, so I began corresponding with Dr.
He informed me his work in the origami-math area had found its way into
the Dramatic
Results program. (Following that link will lead you to a
cleverly made and informative video.)
I believe we could really use a program like Dramatic Results in the
Milwaukee area. As I write this, I'm daunted by the effort of
making something like that happen. If you have ideas or want to
help, please contact
In the meantime, I continue to glean as much as I can from the
available information and apply the techniques in my workshops.
I'm very grateful to Dr. Tubis for all the materials he shared with me,
including information about an easy box which I used for
the first time in a workshop at a birthday party recently.
A couple of young
ladies were off doing other things during my
session so, later, the young man in the photo at right—a second
grader—taught them the box using my techniques, while his mother and
I looked on with pride.
The confidence and focus he exhibited, along with the eagerness of his
students, demonstrate the power
of origami to benefit children.
Best haircut I ever had. |

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