to Make a
Fish Bowl
for Your Origami Fish
If you make a
beautiful origami fish, such as this betta
fish, a fish bowl like this
is a great way to display it.
We were inspired by the betta vases
with the plant growing out of the top.
The top provides a surface from which
to suspend the fish.
Check around your house for
containers. Maybe you already have an old unused fish tank and
some plastic aquatic plants.
found some snack containers that were good candidates.
We decided our fish was worthy of a glass bowl with a plant saucer for
the lid.
You could add more origami fish and
other origami creatures to the top, such as a snake.
• A container with lid or plant saucer
• Needle and thread
• Cellophane tape
• Wire cutter
• Decorative stones
(available at "dollar stores")
• Artificial foliage for inside bowl
• Your origami fish or the paper for it
For the foliage top:
• Florist styrofoam, a half ball is ideal
• Florist sticky clay
• Spanish moss
• Artificial foliage |

Make the
foliage top:
Spanish moss is very messy! Work over newspaper, or a sink, or
1. Using wire cutters, cut the foliage off the main stem, leaving
strong stems.
2. Attach the styrofoam to the saucer using sticky clay.
3. Cover the styrofoam with moss.
4. Secure the moss by sticking the sprigs of foliage into the styrofoam.

Decorate the bowl:
1. Arrange the stones in the bottom.
2. Using wire cutters, cut sprigs of foliage off the main stem, leaving a long stem.
3. Bend the stems so the sprigs can be securely held under a pile of
4. Arrange the plants around the sides and back of the bowl.
5. Tie a large knot in a long piece of thread and thread the needle.
6. With the betta
fish model, you can avoid making needle holes in the exterior of
the fish. Sew the thread to the inner folds of paper in the
fish's back.
We found the balance point for this fish was about a quarter inch behind the point on
the back (at arrow).
7. Tape the thread to the lid or saucer.
8. Adjust the thread length so the fish hangs where you want it.
Then cut the excess thread.
Enjoy your new treasure!

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for other Origami Fish Models