to Make a Vase of
Origami Heart Flowers
origami heart flowers are one of simplest origami folds, so you can
make a
bunch in a short time.
I designed a table-top arrangement. With a
large vase and branches, you could scale this up to a dramatic
- Seven
origami heart flowers, two from 6-inch-square paper, two from 5-inch,
and four
from 4-inch (or all of the same size, if you prefer).
- Real
or artificial branches.
- Glitter spray, optional. I
used red
glitter on the flowers and gold
on the stems.
- Craft glue or hot glue, optional.
Tip: If
using glitter spray, allow adequate time for setting up your work area
and for drying. Please read the manufacturer’s instructions
before you begin this project. I loved the results using glitter
- the photo doesn't do it justice.
Note: If you use basic origami paper for the
flowers, the stems will be
white. To avoid
this, I went to my local
print shop for sheets of solid red 8½ x 11 paper. I
cut it into squares with my paper
trimmer. Most
print shops can cut it
for you, or they will have a cutter you can use free of charge. Avoid the old-style
“guillotine” paper
cutters; it’s virtually impossible to cut a square with them.
branches are ideal for this project because of their distinctive red
color. They are
easy to spot in a winter landscape.
selecting branches, look for ones that have several horizontal twigs.
you will be cutting your own branches, please be sure you have any
approval. To avoid
damage, you might
also want to review proper pruning methods for the type of plant you
will be
1. Fold the
origami heart
2. (Optional) Spray the hearts and branches with
glitter. Allow to
3. Arrange the branches in a vase or other
4. Hang the hearts on the branches, with or without
I wanted to be able to
remove the hearts for storage, so I
avoided gluing them to the branches. If
you prefer, you could glue them on with craft glue or hot glue. Selecting branches with horizontal twigs
helps avoid the need for glue.

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